Friday, January 01, 2021

Learnings for self on this New Year

I begin the year with learnings & reminder to self...

Change for a better YOU & not for others.. learn with time.. experiences are your best teacher.. admit your failures.. apologize for your wrongs.. speak to self daily.. learn to cry alone.. speak as needed since spoken word & a shot arrow can't be taken back.. stop ruminating & act promptly.. shun laziness, hustle & set an example.. richness is never measured in what I own but how content I am.. spend on happiness & not on possessions.. connect with elders and speak of our past to know how things evolved for good or bad, wisdom doesn't come via Ted talks alone.. best friends hug more than shake hands.. respect, appreciate, adore, love without limits & keep women in the house happy.. teach kid to speak with pride of their grandparents.. make her proud of her culture & teach life skills.. visit past abode & refresh memories not to forget humble beginnings.. be near my loved ones.. empower family members to brave the world at your loss.. try feeding the poor.. feel mom's presence.. 
never let go of my faith 🙏

Inspite of all this I realise - 

2020 can't be called a bad year, cos' Amma was with us. It can't be forgotten, cos it gave me moments I could cherish with her. It will be a year to remember ! And this picture will be a reminder to self on what I missed, what I lost, what I regret, what I hate & what I yearn to change for a better tomorrow.