We are born to sell from the day we are born. We are all brought into this materialistic world as a product. A product that is well developed designed and packaged; branded and promoted by two companies in a Joint Venture. From day one we are ready to sell.
The sweet innocent smile, wink of the eye, lying in the cradle sells your very first impression of being innocent, obedient and a lovable child. At the age of three, you sell your innocence and emotions to your mom to get the things you want. By the age of ten, you sell your talent, intellect, and pleasing nature to be your teacher’s favorite. In your teenage, you sell your courtesy, attitude, love and care to get the one you love. By the age of twenty-two you go onto sell your personality, management ability and leadership skills to begin your career. The process continues till death. In due course man sells whatever he possesses just like a commodity being put up for sale in the market with a price-tag.
Thus, Selling is no strategy adopted. It is an in-born instinct, a behavior programmed into the human genetic pattern, acquired, nourished and utilized for one’s survival and personal satisfaction. Living life is imperative to selling, where at each juncture you look ahead to achieve something beyond what you have already achieved. ‘Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for, but something to be achieved.’ But, how do you decide on your destiny? All it requires is jus a dream.
Everything in life begins with a dream. A dream which maybe vague, mature or mundane. A dream which sleeps like a beautiful princess in a dark castle awaiting the rays of hope to shine on her. Waiting for the day when she will break the shackles and be freed into the realm of reality to live a life happily ever after. Dreams are reflections of man’s vision of life. ‘Some men see things as they are and ask why. Some men dream things that never were and ask why not.’ Building the constructive path towards reality from the virtual world is from where the basic instinct of selling begins.
So, what does it take to make the IMPOSSIBLE; I’M POSSIBLE?
A dream to begin with, building a constructive path to its realization, focus to achieve specific objectives in life, realization of the huge reservoir of potential to persevere till success, personal empowerment with a change in attitude and behavior infused with a fresh feel of confidence, optimism and will, and a winner-personality reflecting a killer instinct to sell.
Selling would thus, always remain as the most powerful driving force bringing about shifts in paradigm. A profession where the two worlds: human and materialistic, meet. A profession where one can’t distinguish himself from what he sells. A profession truly known to be the profession of all professions.
‘You maybe a salesman only for today
But the profession: Salesman stays with you forever’
Man’s identity crisis as to Who he is? and Who he will become?