Thursday, December 29, 2005

The WAR is o'er

BLITZKREIG ! the mega event kicked all the hype it could and we made it one BIG celebration. All the dust that was kicked added to nothin' much as we expected it to be.
The Black hole failed to suck in the CROWD. Exam was in the air in whole of NCR and it was late when we came to know that, which in turn resulted in a low turn-up.

But as always ICFAI rocked wakin' up the dead meats... Hah! and we did it in STYLE.
"Arey, ruk ja re bandhe..." : yup all along it was Indian Ocean who jammed till late 11pm. By then, we were ON FIRE. IO got turned on by us and agreed to play an XTRA 45minutes. Boy!did IBS-G make one BIG impression.

11:59pm ... dancing our hearts out to the foot-tappin' numbers ... now it was time for count-down. 5,4,3,2,1 ... Merry X'mas. The dark skies above lit up red, blue, green, gold and it was raining colours all over with all the fireworks in the world blowing all guns together... one sight i would always cherish.

Drained out the last drop of energy within me... dancin even to the slowest and pitiful music... never felt better after a 3-day rest in better.... It was all happening that one fine night...
By 2am: ADIOS !

It was one day WE showed we were better together!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Walk in the park in Hell

I am BACK!
Feels good. Had a tough journey. It was hard, cold and dry. Filled with illusions. Seeing things i never wanted to see or remember. Never felt so alone. So left for dead. Was battling for breath n' survival. I was down sick !
Hehe, funny right. Now i am back and i am back with a bang. Wanted a break; too bad it came with me falling sick. Feels been out of touch with anything and everythin'. Feels fresh as if out of my mom's womb. Breathing freshness of earth and enjoyin' the spine ripping chill of Gurgaon.
3days down in bed. Damn it! It was tough times. Not again, I pray. Just laid dead in bed, with thoughts, illusions, dreams. She came into my thoughts many a time. I avoided her many a time. Even then it was jus tooo much. Pain, agony, frustration, all mounted with memories. Wanted to throw the thought away into the past, but it just wouldn't go. She stayed on as if she was concerned, feeling me n' carin'. All along i felt her, knew she would have been with me always if she knew I was down. Wouldn' have borne it. But couldn' bring her back into my life and give her more pain. Would be cruel. Better off Alone.
Breathing in a new lease of Life, is making me feel better. Got to gain back what i lost out. Gaining all the energy to get back what was and is mine. Life ho toh aise! Win for Life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Another day in my LIFE

Its Nine in the morning. " Wake up damn it, wake up. What the hell do u think ur doin'? Its nine." Pulling myself from under the thick rags I sleep under to keep myself warm from dropping temperatures of 3 degree and below, I realize its time to gallop to college. The thought kills me. You got to do what you got to do. And from nine in the morning its hell in the cell for me, the future manager and might-be entreprenuer. Pulling out the almirah door i xplore my elaborate wardrobe. I need to install a search engine to go through and find my stuffs.

Run,run,run ... Where's the god-damn rickshaw? } Hehe, the usual scenario by 9.30 am. I will never change. "You call yourself managers. Managers must learn to manage themselves before they manage workforce and organization at large". Rishi Mehra, the classy, stylish finance professor lights up in my thoughts. Anyway you got to do what you got to do. So start running dumbo. So ... i reach a few minutes late. To err is Human. To forgive is Divine. Mam, was divine. I am inside class.

Presentations, boring Life-analysis and life-time experience sharing by Seeta matha drives us Mad. On the verge of sleep i gather myself to crack somethin' dumb to get the class back on their heels. "So lets break for 10 mins.". AAh! sweet words giving solace to my mind. Time to grab tea and aloo samosa(yuck! i hate potatoes now). Even then, u gotta eat what ur given.
"Abhey yo! time's up! Chal class chalein." :that was my beti. The lil'devil. Hopping along with the hope that the great matha would leave us early and none would turn up with more presentations we journey to class. "This is #$%!* book written by .... published by ...." and the saga goes on. With the thought ringing at the back of our mind "its lunch time" me and my lil' devil bang our heads and play through the saga.

Time: 4:30 pm. FREEDOM !!! Now its time to make a move and live-my-life. Thats y I, the one and only is here. Hours from now, i will live yet another day of my Life. Another day in my God-given less-blessed painfully pleasurable Life. I will be back !!! Wow do i love that dialog.

Monday, December 12, 2005

It was that One Night !

It was that One Night
When I felt everything I did was Right
With her in my Sight
And with All my Might
I wished her my last GoodNight.

I had felt it once
I had felt it twice
All I did was jus deny
But it's time to feel the pain
Thou it is to my dismay.

Will I meet her again
God Knows
I hurt her bad
Thats all I Know
It is too late
To be Sorry
Nothing to debate
Or to Worry.

Now I realize
It was jus another Night
A dream I daily visualize
So I'd better...
Switch off the Light
With her in my Sight
And with a painful Delight
Wish her a very GoodNight.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I, Me, Myself : Today

Sands Gleaming,
Speckled Rays,
Waves Lapping,
Gentle Sway,
Moonbeams Bathed in Pearly Grandeur,
Yet My Mind Scatters in Predictable Disarray.

Everythin' Happens 4 a Reason

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there ... to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never realize your potential, strength, will power or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create whom you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate everything that you possibly can, for you may never experience it again.

Talk to people whom you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold you head up because you have every right to.
Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create you own life and then go out and live it.

"If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles."

Voices: You hear em' everywhere

Voices from outside, and from within.
They take you through different facets,dimensions,views,dreams.
Juxtaposed between rights and wrongs our tender mind suffers thinking;
Where it will all lead to? When will it all end?
It is the expectation and the mindset that we prepare to battle against NOISES and identify the VOICES which takes us through Life itself.
Believe in yourself and what ur inner voice says, cos its YOU who is speaking to yourself. And none in this world has known or seen you better than that inner YOU.

Once you start hearing to it, you will always want to or will hear it all through Life.
Make your life beautiful to live and be lived with. Believe in the Best (the inner YOU) ;-)

Friday, December 09, 2005

Gone with the Wind

Gone with the wind
Is the fire, the Glory and the Light
Left is nothing but the past
Which many a mind
Would love to cherish for long.

He came, gave us a name
Brought us fame, and ignited the flame
Now it is up to us
To tame the fire
And make our college a proud dame
Else only we are to blame.

Hats off to the man who raised, fed and made ICFAI, Gurgaon the institute it is today. With a pleasureable pain we bid farewell to you Sir(our Director, Rajan Saxena).

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Born 2 Sell

We are born to sell from the day we are born. We are all brought into this materialistic world as a product. A product that is well developed designed and packaged; branded and promoted by two companies in a Joint Venture. From day one we are ready to sell.

The sweet innocent smile, wink of the eye, lying in the cradle sells your very first impression of being innocent, obedient and a lovable child. At the age of three, you sell your innocence and emotions to your mom to get the things you want. By the age of ten, you sell your talent, intellect, and pleasing nature to be your teacher’s favorite. In your teenage, you sell your courtesy, attitude, love and care to get the one you love. By the age of twenty-two you go onto sell your personality, management ability and leadership skills to begin your career. The process continues till death. In due course man sells whatever he possesses just like a commodity being put up for sale in the market with a price-tag.

Thus, Selling is no strategy adopted. It is an in-born instinct, a behavior programmed into the human genetic pattern, acquired, nourished and utilized for one’s survival and personal satisfaction. Living life is imperative to selling, where at each juncture you look ahead to achieve something beyond what you have already achieved. ‘Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for, but something to be achieved.’ But, how do you decide on your destiny? All it requires is jus a dream.

Everything in life begins with a dream. A dream which maybe vague, mature or mundane. A dream which sleeps like a beautiful princess in a dark castle awaiting the rays of hope to shine on her. Waiting for the day when she will break the shackles and be freed into the realm of reality to live a life happily ever after. Dreams are reflections of man’s vision of life. ‘Some men see things as they are and ask why. Some men dream things that never were and ask why not.’ Building the constructive path towards reality from the virtual world is from where the basic instinct of selling begins.

So, what does it take to make the IMPOSSIBLE; I’M POSSIBLE?
A dream to begin with, building a constructive path to its realization, focus to achieve specific objectives in life, realization of the huge reservoir of potential to persevere till success, personal empowerment with a change in attitude and behavior infused with a fresh feel of confidence, optimism and will, and a winner-personality reflecting a killer instinct to sell.

Selling would thus, always remain as the most powerful driving force bringing about shifts in paradigm. A profession where the two worlds: human and materialistic, meet. A profession where one can’t distinguish himself from what he sells. A profession truly known to be the profession of all professions.

‘You maybe a salesman only for today
But the profession: Salesman stays with you forever’
Man’s identity crisis as to Who he is? and Who he will become?

Life as Many see it

When a new-born comes into the sophisticated world, all through his life he is haunted by two questions: Who are you? , Who will you become? The identity crisis lives within him and outside. It is the search for answers that takes mankind through the journey called “Life”.

‘Life’: the four-letter word sounds so simple, yet so complex. What makes Life so complex? Is man or the manipulative world to be blamed? Many would go in for the latter as an answer though the truth lies in the former. The aura of living a simple life has died many a death at the hands of the hype created with its complexities.

‘Life is like having a cup of tea. You sit by the window and take a careless sip only to realize somebody forgot to put sugar in it. Too lazy to go for it, somehow you struggle through that sugarless cup till you discover undissolved sugar crystals at the bottom:’
That is Life!